Friday, May 25, 2007
Cuts to Arts Grants
Hi Everyone,
I have just received an email from my good buddy and writer/editor John Freeman, fresh from
It runs like this:
Dear Creators -
Please forgive me. I'm having a rant.
On the Number 10 Downing Street website there's a petition up and running at the moment which aims to stop the Chancellor using Arts and Heritage Lottery money to plug the funding gap in the 2012 Olympics.
The Chancellor proposes to plug the funding gap with a 35% reduction in Grants in Arts funding and reallocating the money - some £675 million - to the Olympics. Please submit your name to the petition and oppose the cuts to Arts Grants (Here's a link about recent developments as reported by The Guardian:,,2063378,00.html).
Any way, the petition is at:
It has already gathered over 18,000 signatures! If it gets to 40,000, it would make it into the top five most popular petitions on the site.
I've no objection to the Olympics and Paralympics themselves. It's great that it's coming to Britain. But I take exception to arts and heritage groups losing out because of it. And I'm not alone: the National Council for Voluntary Organisations ( has spoken out and remains unsatisfied by the Government's response to the concerns they've raised. The Stage reported just this week that leaders of Britain�s largest performing arts unions, trade associations and lobby groups have taken the unprecedented step of drawing up a joint letter to chancellor Gordon Brown warning of the dire consequences of the Olympics Lottery raid for the cultural sector (
If you're as annoyed about this as I was, and I hope you are, maybe you'll consider adding this banner I knocked up to your web site or blog:
John Freeman
Unfortunately the banner hasn’t opened and copied but I felt strongly enough about this to put this little Blog together quickly.
If you too feel annoyed at this please add your names to the petition, like John says.
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
May 25th 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Bristol Comics Expo - Review

I also met Wakefield Carter for the first time and it was nice to finally meet up. If you haven't seen his Judge Dredd replicas - do yourself a favour and do so. I ended up buying a Judge Dredd replica badge off him. They look fantastic!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Spider-Man Review and Bristol Comics Expo

Went along to see the new Spider-Man movie tonight, yes I took a slight break from the board and enjoyed life…had to get some practise in before the weekend to ready myself for the Bristol Comics Expo.

If you haven’t yet seen it you have to go along!
Nice touches with the storytelling!
Great SFX!
Action galore!
Overall a great movie and highly recommended!
Won’t spoil things by giving a blow-by-blow account…
Just go along and check it for yourselves…or you’ll be sorry you missed it.
Trailers included Fantastic Four 2, Transformers, and Surf’s up.
This summer is going to see movies coming to theatres..
Anyone going along to the Bristol Comics Expo - see you all there.
Like I said yesterday…don’t be shy, come over and have a chat!
My next Blog will be a review of the convention and lots of photos to share with you of the event.
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
May 11th 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Bristol Comics Expo
Hi Everyone,
As you no doubt know I am attending the Bristol Comics Expo this coming weekend on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th, along with my wife, Margaret.
This is the first time I attended a major convention since the late nineties so it’s a really exciting event for me. Please come along and feel free to have a chat with us. Margaret – who has given up her last game of the season (and it’s a home game too) for Blackburn Rovers - so she can be at the convention with me.
Tim’s Bristol Comics Expo Itinerary:
My schedule whilst there at the moment – and this always manages to get somewhat changed as folks ask you to get involved at the last minute due to folks being late or unable to attend at that moment to sit on panels and the like – is something like this:
Saturday 12th May:
Sketching for Andrew Wildman’s Draw The World Together charity.
Please come along – there will be artists in attendance all weekend – please lend us your support. Andrew works very hard indeed for this charity and kids all over the world benefit from your support!!!
Sunday 13th May:
I have a table where I will be selling my Signed and Numbered Limited Edition Sketch Books, Signed and Numbered Limited Edition Giclee Prints, my “Worlds End” Poster, Bookmarks, and Original Comic Artwork from my Marvel, 2000AD, and Newsstand days. There will also be a chance for you to get an original sketch off me.
The Sketch Books all have a different blue pencil sketch in the back inside cover. No two are ever the same, making each one truly unique.
WORLDS END Graphic Novel Update…
The “Worlds End” graphic novel is now passed the half way mark at the pencils stage so anyone attending can come along and have a look at the pencilled pages and chat about the concept, my company and anything else you wish to. Please don’t be shy…
I have had more emails and enquiries from folks in regard the news I shared with you in my last but one Blog, regarding the new upcoming project, which I have said will have you all on the edge of your seats when you see who’s involved!!!
Well more than that I can’t say at the moment…but I may spill the beans at Bristol…Just ask me to see if I’m willing to talk!
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
May 9th 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Worlds End - Graphic Novel - Update.

Well the “Worlds End” graphic novel is at the half way mark at the pencils stage so I am really starting to cook with the book at long last, having now made it the number one priority at Wizards Keep for me personally.
As the Bristol Comic Expo gets ever nearer I am pressing on with the pencils and I’m aiming at a number of other pages being complete – in an ideal world. Either that or the completed turnarounds for the forthcoming figurines range.
I have had several emails and enquiries from folks in regard the news I shared with you in my last Blog, regarding the new upcoming project, which I have said will have you all on the edge of your seats when you see who’s involved!!!
I’m sorry but to all you folks that have already received answers to this effect and those still wondering, more than that I can’t say at the moment…
I just ask you to please be a little patient.
My Blogs still continue to be a little lightweight at the moment, whilst I crash on with the “Worlds End” graphic novel, so please if you enjoy reading this Blog accept my apologies as I have to concentrate on finishing off the pencils ASAP!
To whet your appetites – for those that haven’t yet seen the “Worlds End” large format poster, or the large format Giclee version, available from the Wizards Keep website, here it is, at the top of this Blog, in all its glory, and for those that already own one, here it is again…
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…