...beware all the things out there in the darkness and just incase...
"From ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night, may the good Lord deliver us."
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
October 31st
...beware all the things out there in the darkness and just incase...
"From ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night, may the good Lord deliver us."
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
October 31st
1. The NCP car Park was about 20 – 30 minutes walk away from the Hotels, which is not ideal when you are carrying clothes and portfolios, etc.
2. The venue was a good ten to fifteen minutes away from the Hotels, which if the weather had been bad would have made things worse.
3. The signposting to the event building is almost non-existent as was the signage inside the venue itself.
The only thing that the organisers could do here is in regards the inner venue signage and I chatted to Paul Birch one of the organisers along with Jon to this effect. Paul said they had expected the venue to sort this, but obviously they didn’t, which was a shame. Something similar happened to me at an event I organised, but at least next time the guys can have this sorted. If someone builds a hotel nearby to the Millennium Point centre then all the above will be sorted, but like I say, this can’t be sorted by the BICS guys.
Overall a truly enjoyable experience for me, but one, which had to be cut short, due to deadlines looming, with me leaving on the Saturday night after the meal and a brief drink of coke in Bennett’s again to say my goodbyes to the folks there.
Thanks to all the guys in the comics fraternity that took time to chat, sorry it was brief sometimes, but that’s conventions for you. See you all again soon.
Thanks to all involved in the organisation of the show, including Shane, Paul, James, and Andy…Well Done guys!
BTW: This was written upon my return in the early hours of Sunday morning, but there have been some issues with Blogger, which I have only just managed to sort, so sorry the Blog’s a little behind times now.
Check out Lew Stringer’s Blog for more photos and informative stuff!!!
In the meantime here are a few photos of my time at BICS…
Jon Haward, Lew Stringer and John McShane at the Launch Party
Nigel Kitching and Nigel Dobbyn at the Launch Party
Andrew Wildman and me discussing the "Drawtheworldtogether" charity
Jon Haward takes a break from sketching for Classical Comics
Me sketching on the "Drawtheworldtogether" NCSOFT stand
2000AD website Guru Wakefield Carter
Until next time have fun!We will be displaying all our products at the show in one of the large booths. We are hoping to launch the figurines range there and have the graphic novel, if not quite finished almost ready and partly coloured and lettered by then.
It may seem a long ways off, but I have booked the booth way ahead of time with Mike Allwood, because May 2008 will soon be here…believe me.
Incidentally - Lancaster Comics `07 isn't quite dead…for the end of the half term week (Saturday 27th October) Anthony Mercer is running an event day, with a possible “Halloweeny” title "The Ghost of Lancaster Comics!” for some of the local kids.
Anthony is going to be running a monster design workshop, and there's a mini comic workshop, maybe a few traders coming along as well - but essentially, it’s a free event for visitors and anyone who wants to come along.
Wizards Keep have been invited to go along to the event and set a stand up. As it’s a little close to the Birmingham International Comics Show this weekend I am unsure whether we can attend, due to deadline constraints at the moment, but a decision will be made shortly, over the next week or so to see if time will allow us to attend. If we do manage to schedule this event into the diary then please everyone expecting to come along to Lancaster to see us do, by all means, come along if you fancy it.
If not, then maybe I can catch up with you guys this weekend or at Bristol next year.
For all the enquiries about attending events further afield around the world, no decisions have been made as yet, mostly due to production schedules and deadline commitments this next six to twelve months or so. Rest assured, however that as soon as the figurines are ready for sale and the “Worlds End” graphic novel goes to print then we will be attending more of the world conventions, shows, festivals and fairs.
Regarding the figurines, which I have talked about for a while, I attended a meeting a few weeks ago and spoke to the sculptors and manufacturer and I will be supplying turnaround artwork very soon for us to go into production sometime in the first half of 2008. This is great news and along with the release of the graphic novel, means Wizards Keep is now entering a new and very exciting phase of production.
One thing that will happen when we start production of the sculpting is we will have a semi-regular section on the Wizards Keep website to show photos of the production stage to keep you guys in the picture with what is being worked on.
A lot of you have also spoken to me in regards the Hall of Fame, which is still to be launched.
We are hoping this will take place during the Christmas 2007 and New Year 2008 period. Again the delay is due to the production schedule and my personal deadline commitments at the moment. I want this section to be something special, hence the delay…but it is looking great at the moment.
Well hopefully this update as to what is happening here as more than made up for the cancellation this year of the Lancaster convention. I believe the event will resurface again next year in 2008, but I will keep you guys posted.
For those going along to Birmingham, see you either on Friday at the launch party or else on Saturday at the show itself…
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
October 11th 2007
I’ll be along on the Friday night for the Markosia launch party and Saturday only due to deadline commitments, but if you get a chance please feel free to come over and have a chat. I’ll have the latest artwork for Worlds End along with me for anyone that wishes to take a look, or if you have seen it before you are more than welcome to take another look.
I’ll also have some Hot Wheels pages with me.
Maybe catch you down there…
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
October 10th 2007