Hi Guys...
Here is a sneak peak at the cars you’ll see in issue 43 of the Hot Wheels comic, to whet your appetite. I finished this latest stuff a couple of weeks ago, but have been unable to upload anything before now due to the state of the Internet for us over the last two weeks.

The two cars are respectively:
Whip Creamer – From the story: “Cream Crunch”
Buzz Bomb – From the story: “Buzz Bomb Burn-Up”
Both stories are produced by the same gang as always:
Written by – Ian Rimmer
Pencilled, Inked and Computer Coloured by – me
Edited by – James Hill
With Production Design by – Rob Sharp
I am looking forward, as always, to hearing what you think of this latest artwork. The comic will be on sale soon, so don’t forget to order a copy!!!
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
January 20th 2008