A look at the latest additions to the storylines…
Hi Guys,
By now many of you guys will have already seen the artwork below in previous issues of the Hot Wheels comic here in the UK, but I continue to have folks email me regarding my earlier Blogs where I mentioned about some new look stuff I was adding to the backgrounds of Ian’s scripts. So here just for you is an addition to the usual monthly sneak peaks at the new background characters and a look at behind the scenes of the Prof’s offices at the Hot Wheels Factory and Diesel DarkClaw’s Headquarters, which can be seen in the Hot Wheels comic, to whet your appetite and bring you up to speed.

Inside the Inner Sanctum of the Professor's Office

Diesel DarkClaw's Headquarters

Inside the Inner Sanctum of Diesel DarkClaw's Office
I am looking forward, as always, to hearing what you think of this latest artwork. The comics will be on sale soon, so don’t forget to order a copy!!!
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
November 22nd 2008