I said way back in November, last year, here on the Blog that I would let you guys have an update as soon as possible, with the pencils stage. Well time flies here at the Keep and so to have a much more upbeat Blog today after the rather sad one yesterday here we go…
So without further ado here is the stage I am currently at with the pages.
I have seven pages of artwork to layout onto Bristol, which I do very lightly, so much so they are very hard to view. I will then be going back to page 27 and darkening the pencils and adding in the final detailing.
I am presently working on these last seven pages and once they are complete and the darkening has taken place then it’s just a matter of scanning them all onto the computer at long last and then embarking upon the road on which I will then digitally paint them.
I do not want to put up any further full pages on display but I will show the occasional panel or two and maybe some finished colour pages too along the way, as well as more promotional illos.
Anyhow, for now, here is a panel from one of the pages.

The new deadline for getting finished entries in is, as a result of this, now: Tuesday April 14th with the winners being announced on Saturday April 18th.
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
March 31st 2009