Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SciFi Art Now…

New book scheduled for release in October 2010…

Hi Guys,

I am pleased to announce that following an invite from my buddy, writer/editor John Freeman to submit examples of my latest work for possible inclusion in his forthcoming book SciFi Art Now (following the successful publications, Fantasy Art Now, by Martin McKenna, its second volume Fantasy Art Now 2, by Ally Fell & Duddlebug and Comic Art Now, by Dez Skinn, in which the Worlds End “On the Run” Poster was shown) that once again my current work will be on display in its pages.

The book, which was subtitled, Alien Worlds gave me the opportunity to put forward pages from volume one of the graphic novel series, “Riders on the Storm,” that pertained to the title in question. This is going to be a great way to showcase Worlds End once more prior to the actual publication date and will give folks a teaser as to what is to come, in terms of what you will see in print.

I would like to take time to thank both John, for his initial approach to me about showcasing my work in his new book and the guys at the publishers,
Ilex Press, for affording me the opportunity to do so.

This is a great honour to me, as I realise not everyone that submitted work was included in the book due to space limitations and thus feel very privileged to be amongst some of the greatest of my peers.

The book is available to order now from Amazon by visiting the links here:

SciFi Art Now at Amazon.co.uk

SciFi Art Now at Amazon.com

You can also visit the Wizards Keep website where the links are contained in the Other Publishers pages below the Shop section by clicking the link below:

Other Publishers

You can also visit John’s dedicated SciFi Art Now Blog for more up-to-date news as it happens here:

SciFi Art Now Blog

There is also a link here on my Fellow Bloggers Area on the left hand column, which you can find by scrolling down my Blog page here.

There is an introduction from veteran SF illustrator Chris Foss and the final line-up of art is a good cross section of talent, including work by Bob Eggleton, Ron Miller, Lee Gibbons, John Picacio, Rian Hughes and many others, at varying stages in their careers.

John spoke to me over the weekend via email in which he said, “We had a terrific response to the appeal for art, and while not everyone who sent in pieces made it in, the number that did is pretty high and there's quite a range of styles featured.”

I am excited to see the work inside the book, as I know from the previous three books in the series and also the other books published by the UK publisher, Ilex Press, what to expect in terms of design and value for money with high end art books.

John is also planning on producing a series of ongoing “Quick-fire” 10 Questions and Answers interviews on the SciFi Art Now Blog with each of the artists who feature in the run up to the release of the book and in which John has very kindly asked me to take part.

I’ll let you have more details about the Blog and indeed the release of the book as it happens.

Until next time have fun!

Tim Perkins…

April 27th 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Worlds End...

An update on the forthcoming Graphic Novel…

Hi Guys,

Well I have not Blogged as often as usual this year, but that is down to the workload, as I try to work commercial work, painting a number of children’s books, with my Worlds End Graphic Novel.

I hope however that all will be forgiven as I work to put out the best work of my career to date.

I have decided to show another page; or rather the first of the double page spreads from the first volume in both the form as seen in the Ashcan and the version for the Graphic Novel. I decided to show these two versions as a comparison of the work to date, so you can view what you can expect to see once the book is ready to go to print.

Below respectively:

Pages 4 & 5 Ashcan version

Pages 4 & 5 Graphic Novel version

I have also opted to put out just a few of the wonderfully complimentary comments I have received from both my peers in the comic industry and also from fans from around the world here for you guys to see. My heartfelt thanks go to each and everyone of you.

There isn't the space in the Blog here to include everyone's comments and names, but these represent all of you out there that have taken the time out of your lives to speak to me about my work on Worlds End. Please know I am humbled by this and eternally grateful to you all.

“Those backgrounds of yours are really very good. If World's End is as good as those I'll be buying two copies - one to read until the ink falls off, the other to keep.”

“I keep looking at that page you sent me. It takes a lot to impress me but that really is a beautiful piece of work. The obvious care and devotion you have put into that is amazing - it's not just comic art, it is really in a class of its own.”
John Ridgway
Comic Writer/Artist

“The pages are beautifully detailed and it really looks like your heart has been put into it.”
Yelena Zamora
Comic Colourist

"Very cool website. I've always been a fan, especially after Chopper. Very keen to get hold of a copy of your graphic novel.”
Paul N Neal

"Some really terrific art here, Tim :)!!"
Simon Colby
Comic Artist

“Another lovely panel, Tim. I can't wait to see the finished book and get you to sign it. I’m very excited for you. Keep up the great work.
Jon Haward
Comic Artist

“Can't wait for the World's End.”
Chris Galea
Malta Convention organiser

"Wow. This looks great, Tim. Can't wait to read it!"
Ed Polgardy
Editor/Writer/Film Producer/Director

“I must say I'm quite looking forward to World's End being available, as it's looking very nice indeed.”
Alan Aldred

“Fantastic composition, love all of the detail and the expressions! Class!”
Simon Wyatt
Comic Artist

“I love your awesome artwork!!”
Anthony Hochrein

“Really Amazing!!”
Patricia Nora Fariña Bonafert

“Hi there, Tim! I became a fan of your work when I read Comic Art Now, by Dez Skinn. I'd like to know whenever you draw something new, ok?!”
Marcelo Alencar

“Tim, once you crossed the line into publishing there is no turning back! The rewards are great; the hassles are many. The fact that you can still find time behind the board is awesome bro!”
Mel Smith

“Greetings from Malaga (Spain). Your work delights me.”
Julia Moreno


“Nice, well keep up the great work, and please let me know when you will be bringing it out please!”
Maurice Booker

“I really love your work! It's absolutely fantastic!”
Jeanelle Zammit

The insanely long hours spent at the computer nowadays, as I seek to paint the best sequential art of my career to date, to show what I am capable of producing, in the way I have always wanted to do, are made ever the easier, knowing that I have the support of such talented people as those of my colleagues and the interest of fans from around the world too.

Believe me when I say these are only a small amount taken from hundreds and hundreds of such comments and emails. I read them all personally and I try to respond to as many as I can, as soon, as I can.

These messages of support mean the world to me and help to keep myself chained, metaphorically speaking, to the computer screen.

It also helps enormously that my close family and friends are also there supporting me during this period of my apparent vacation from their lives, as I work all hours to produce this book. I promise I will endeavour to make it all up to you soon.

My heartfelt thanks are hardly enough, but, like the folks who visit my Blog on a regular basis and have seen sparse posts here of late, I ask their further indulgence and patience too, as I get nearer by the week to completing the Graphic Novel.

As always I look forward to your comments.

Until next time have fun!

Tim Perkins…

April 23rd 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010


To my Son, Simon…

Hi Guys,

Another indulgence today, to make up for a lack of Blogs and wish my Son, Simon a Very Happy Birthday.

Have a Great Day!

Until next time have fun!

Tim Perkins…

April 18th 2010