Hi Guys,
Well it hardly seems two minutes ago that I was saying to Margaret that I was thinking of starting a new company earlier than I had first planned, when one bright and sunny morning back in March of 2005 I awoke with the idea to launch Wizards Keep and went downstairs to tell my wife and ask what she thought.
That said it seems almost as though this is all I have ever done, as the past five years have seen me produce a massive amount of work during an insane amount of hours at the drawing board, computers and in meetings with people. Wizards Keep, it is safe to say, has taken over my life completely during this time.
It was initially my idea to create a new springboard for my sequential stories without editorial interference at the creative level and Worlds End would be the catalyst for the first graphic novel published by my new imprint.
Since then we have seen lots of different new products launched and many clients worked for and with. It seems apt I suppose then that in this fifth year of existence, since our inception back on June 24th 2005, that I am looking to try and launch the book as soon as possible this side of Christmas.
James is still to give me the finished draft of the subbed version of my Worlds End script and as soon as this is done then it’s off to the good old US of A and my mate from the Marvel UK days, and lettering Guru, Richard Starkings.
I am presently working on the digital painting of a children’s book, but I am looking forward to getting back to Worlds End in a couple of weeks time, when I will continue to work feverishly on the digitally painted pages, for which I have received very positive comments from a select few people saying what fellow professionals think of my new work.

Back in the days of pre-launching Wizards Keep this was all but a dream and a special time for me, as I spent months planning, referencing, organising and preparing the way to set up the new company based around a new website and graphic novel series.
I remember having Green Day’s, "American Idiot" album playing as I spent an inordinate amount of time sifting through old papers, original art, drawing equipment and measuring for all the new kit, which was soon to arrive and strangely enough all throughout this period it seemed to always be sunny.
It was carefully planned, down to the last details, even to buying the corporate mugs, for fellow artists and clients to use and yet seemed to be a mad rush to complete all the preparations in time for the planned launch date.
The website was to follow the actual first Wizards Keep productions, but this was fine, as we needed products for its launch. At the time of the pre and post incorporation periods it was manic to say the least and was to pave the general way of things here at the studio/publishing house, soon to become known as The Keep.
During this five year period I have managed to catch up with a great many old friends and colleagues from both the world of comicbooks and the “real” world and meet a great many more new ones, especially through all the networking that is done here.

My wife, Margaret’s support all throughout, alongside that of my daughter, Joanne, my son, Simon, my Mum and Dad, my best mate Paul and my accountant and good friend, John Mc, as well as my other immediate close family and friends has been much needed and has often kept me going when things have taken a turn for the worse, as is the way of business, but if they could stick with it, then it was a done deal that I had to, or else all the many sacrifices made by all the above to help me achieve my dream would have been for nothing. For that I will be eternally grateful.
I would like to say a great big thank you to each and every one of you and to all the customers and fans that have joined the roller coaster that is Wizards Keep along the way, this past five years.
I couldn’t have done it without you guys!!!
The book is still on track at the moment and with recent events, which tried to serve to undermine the timely completion of it, I have decided to put all of my efforts into getting it finally finished, so the design of the book can be also finalised.
Once again thanks everyone and I hope you have enjoyed the ride up until now.
Stick with us, the best is yet to come and remember the louder you scream...