Exciting year here at the Keep...
Hi Guys,
I thought I would just drop a few quick lines today to bring you all up to speed and apologise for the distinct lack of Blogs from me over the past twelve months, much less definitely than in previous years.
All I seem to be doing at the moment is working on Worlds End, which is now over the halfway mark, as far as having completed pages, which is excellent news for me and my family too – who look to the days when the book is finally in their hands and they can have a bit more of my time again.
I have just spent the last couple of days, going over and sorting out the artwork files, so I can send off the script for Richard to letter the book. I still have to finalise the sizes of the pages, as we have switched to European, or to be more precise the French Album format and size and to a case bound cover with a bound in ribbon bookmark, or at least that is the plan at the moment.
I have some business stuff to sort out tomorrow and then it is back on with the artwork again. The plan is to produce all the backgrounds for the remainder of the book and then go back in and paint the characters and SFX. In the new week, or two I will also produce the pencils for the illustrations needed to complete the inner pages, no clues here, as to what those are for...you’ll need to get hold of a copy...LOL.
I will also be drawing and then digitally painting the cover too, which I have finally designed.
The cover art is usually one of the first things I create, but for some reason I went through lots of ideas before I finally convinced myself that this was the one to use.
This will be the next full art I will display on-line for promotional and marketing purposes – mainly so everyone knows what the book is going to look like when it is on the shelves for real.
The real inspiration at the moment is coming from the multitude of emails, e-comments on the networks and telephone calls from everyone saying such marvellous things about my latest work. The long hours don’t seem quite, so long and arduous when you guys say such positive remarks...so thanks, it does me more good than the endless streams of caffeine laden drinks I have consumed of late.
I have some new Blogs about comics and the industry lined up, but they are only titles at the moment and take time to write, time I can now ill afford right now, as I try to finish the book as soon as possible. So, if you’ll forgive me I’ll sort these as and when I can.
In the meantime, in lieu of the cover art being displayed, you’ll have seen that there is another miscellaneous teaser panel above for you guys, as my way of saying thanks again for all your support. It really does mean the world to me.
Look out for another teaser panel soon.
Until next time, have fun!
Tim Perkins…
January 18th 2011
It's KO-FI Time! Check out my new online shop
1 month ago