I’m a UK based comic and conceptual artist - designer and writer.
I’ve worked for Marvel, DC, 2000AD, London Editions, Defiant, Tekno, Triffik and Toontastic, amongst many other publishers
I’m course tutor at Fantasy Art Unlimited.
I’m Company Director of Wizards Keep Limited and creator of the "Science Fusion" graphic novel series, Worlds End
If you live in or around the Blackburn area in the UK, Tim teaches several courses on Fantasy Art. Please check out the Wizards Keep Website for details.
Tim is also available for seminars, presentations and workshops in colleges and regularly teaches at Blackburn College of Art and Design & Edge Hill University. Please see the Wizards Keep Website for details.
Emerson Lake & Palmer Bentley – the untold story Part 01
Hi Everyone,
Well here we are for the first in my series of fun Photo-Blogs, as promised last week.
Mum and Dad bought me a real leather bomber flight jacket with fleeced lining for my birthday back in April of this year and Dad commented on how it looked like the ones that ELP used to wear back in the seventies, so I began to think...
I thought it would be fun to imagine what it would be like if I was part of the original line-up for the band, if I was a puppy back in the ‘70s but they had kept my name out of the limelight. Here I am below with the guys in the snow.
I had a great time messing with the artwork and photos in Photoshop and Dad introduced me to their fantastic progressive rock music too, which is now on my playlist of favourites.
So with that in mind I have decided to look at what the covers to the albums would have looked like if I had been a band member.
I can’t believe my Dad has let me take over his Blog for a short while, but with him being so busy working on his graphic novel, he decided it was better to have something up here rather than nothing, so here I am.
Well I thought that with this first Blog of mine I would let you all in on some very exciting news. I have a new girlfriend, who arrived a few weeks ago. Her name is Pixie and she is beautiful.
She is a little younger than me, as she is only sixteen months old.
She is slowly getting used to the ways things work at home and one of her favourite pastimes is tugging on her knotted rope toys, although I like to have my peace and quiet times, so let her get on with it herself a lot of the times, as I need a rest after all the work I do for Dad here at the Keep.
Everyone is excited at home, but not as much as I am and who knows what the future will hold for us both.
I hope you like her photo, which I have posted here.
Over the next few posts I am going to be having a bit of fun with you all and I hope you enjoy them as much as I am creating them.
I won’t spoil things by telling you what the Blogs will be about, but I’ll leave you with a little teaser clue.
“A trio of bards and an alien artist will be the subject of one of the Blogs”
There will be a prize for the first person to give me the correct answer here before the next Blog is launched...