Hi Guys,
Just before you look at today's Blog, I would just like to say that this is my 300th Blog, which I find incredible to admit, as it doesn't seem two minutes ago I posted my first one.

Well with two days left on the run up to the big day I can tell you I am still working hard on the painting of the Worlds End graphic novel and, although enjoying the work immensely I have to admit the need for a short break of a couple of days, if possible to spend with family and friends, so hopefully the karaoke will find its way into our lives again at some point, at least if I have anything to do with it.
It’s always nice at this time of year to snuggle up in an armchair, or on a settee, or in bed with a good book and over the years I have done this a great many times, with a great many books and comics too.
Then there is always the TV and DVDs to watch in front of the roaring fire, whilst outside the weather may be windy, snowing, or wet. It’s almost as if the entire process of winter is set up to show us the opposites in life with the cold harness of winter outside the door and the warmth and contentment of indoors, sharing the time and space with family and friends, which we may not always have the time to do otherwise, despite all out protestations to the contrary.
The smells that permeate the house at this time of year are a fantastic accompaniment for the senses to reel in, as they bear witness to a wonderful blend of mince pies, mulled wine, cinnamon, mixed spices, single malt whisky, sage and onion stuffing, baking pies and tarts, basting turkey, Brussels sprouts, spiced Christmas ales and a myriad other smells that mix together to form the season of goodwill to all men.
I especially love the visits to both my Mum and Dads and Margaret’s mother’s for that very reason, for something is always cooking and cooking well.
Tonight I plan on stopping work early to spend some of that quality time in just such a way. Whether that is watching a film, chatting, or having fun with a game, or a song, is irrelevant. This time of year is great for reflecting and is maybe nature, or God’s way of making us do just that, but whatever it is, the spirit of the season, just like with good old Ebenezer found out is great for doing just that.
I plan on returning to an old favourite this evening, when I retire to bed for the night, by reading one of my old books…accompanied by my sleeping wife, Margaret on one side of me and my little mate, Bentley Bogtrotter on the other, as I, in hushed tones, read the story aloud to him too.
But for tonight, here on the Blog, I’ll turn off the lamp and bid you a fond goodnight.
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
December 23rd 2009
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