Well things continue to be steaming ahead here at Wizards Keep for me with the digital painting of the Worlds End graphic novel and I have several children’s book commercial commissions in the pipeline.
I have pretty much made the switch to Painter as my main digital painting program now, although I still use Photoshop for lots of stuff too. In the main though my latest work is now looking more like my traditional work and continues to astound me that although I was perfectly happy with the way I saw the finished pages in Photoshop I now see a huge difference in some of the more painterly effects that I can achieve with Painter and with a much quicker and easier to achieve workflow too.
I was approached the other day by BBC Radio Lancashire to give an interview this coming Monday 29th March.
Apologising for the short notice, Carole Turner asked me if I would like to go along for the 1:00 p.m. John "Gilly" Gillmore show.
The presenters want me to also show them how to draw and get them involved in producing some characters on air, which sounds like great FUN to me!
I have agreed to the interview, especially in light of my two previous ones, which went down a great storm with the presenters and the listeners, when the previous interviews were aired.
I will be taking along copies of the Worlds End Ashcan and some of the other Wizards Keep merchandise, so be sure to listen in for a chance to win some of the goodies.
So if you want to hear various questions about my career, present projects and fantast art courses answered direct from the proverbial horse's mouth be sure to tune in on Monday to the 1:00 p.m. show live on 95.5 FM / 103.9 FM / DAB.
You never know you may even get to put a question to me yourself.
Also lined up are an interview on Sketch Maven, which is due to go live on their website soon – I’ll let you guys know when as soon as I know myself. There will also be a link on my website in the links section at the bottom of the Homepage.
I am also lined up to do a Podcast for Dave and Denise Dorman’s new Podcast venture; Wednesday is Comic Book Day, which is available on iTunes. Again more on this as soon as I know myself. There will also be a link on my website in the links section at the bottom of the Homepage for this too.
I should also have some exciting news regarding MaltaCon 2, which looks like it will be even bigger and better than before and looks to be expanding the workshops too. It is in the early planning stages and I am actively involved with the guys over there to make this one even more successful than the last one. I will be attending this year again as an invited guest.
As the workload with the production of Worlds End and my other commercial work is so heavy at the moment I have made a conscious decision this year to not attend any UK conventions, except maybe the Thought Bubble one in Leeds, which is late in the year and reasonably close to the studio. Apologies to all that had hoped to see me this year, after my missing most of them last year too.
I hope to return to them next year, by which time the Worlds End graphic novel will be finished and on sale.
Anyhow you heard it here first; the pre-release media promotion for Worlds End will be starting this coming Monday with the BBC Radio interview. I hope to do a Worlds End promo tour, with book signings and a travelling gallery of artwork from the book, as soon as it is ready, so if any of you guys that frequent this site would like me to sign at your store(s), or event(s), please drop me a line via email and I will endeavour to fit you into my schedule.
I will release a tour itinerary nearer the time.
Until next time have fun!
Tim Perkins…
March 27th 2010
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