The Leeds Comic Convention...
Hi Guys,
It’s just a quick one today to let everyone going along tomorrow to the convention that I will be popping along too. Although I will not have a table this year, I will be taking along prints of the latest pages from Worlds End for folks to check out and a few bits and bobs, so you can still ask for Ashcans and the like.
Please feel free to ask me what I have with me and a sketch if you want one too; don't be shy.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
Until next time, have fun!
Tim Perkins…
November 19th 2010
It's KO-FI Time! Check out my new online shop
1 month ago
Good to see you there Tim! enjoyed the Con, please note my new Blog addresses thanks...
Yes, it was good to have a chance for a proper chat and especially about YES.
It was a brilliant convention and I look forward to next year.
Your new Blog addresses will be locked and loaded, mate.
See you again soon.
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