Thursday February 2nd
Hi Everyone,
Well here we are at the start of a brand new year and here’s hoping it be a great one for everyone.
2012 will see me undertaking a book signing tour.
At the moment I am speaking to libraries, reading groups, schools, comic shops and book stores, With that in mind if any of you reading this are involved with one of the above, or indeed any kind of venue that would appreciate a talk about the creation of graphic novel from concept to print then please drop me a line at the website address mail(at)wizards-keep(dot)com and I will endeavour to arrange something with you.
The first of my scheduled events takes place on Thursday February 2nd at Blackburn Library. This talk will include information on my career to date, but will emphasise my latest work creating Worlds End Volume 1 with some insights into what to expect in future volumes. A book signing will take place after the talk too.
Tickets for this event are available from:
Blackburn Central Library -Town Hall Street – Blackburn – Lancashire - BB2 1AG – UK
Tickets cost £1.00
Telephone: 01254 587244
Once again, please don’t forget to check out the video trailer, which has been very successful for us as we promote the project and please also check out the new “all-ages friendly” WORLDS END Website.
I look forward to seeing some of you at the talk.
Please feel free to field any questions and please, don’t be shy... I don’t bite, honest.
Until next time, have fun!
Tim Perkins…
January 7th 2012
It's KO-FI Time! Check out my new online shop
1 month ago
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