Friday, October 18, 2024

Good Night Bentley Bogtrotter. xxx

A Last Good Bye for Now...

 It is with heavy heart today that I post regarding the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life and something I have always dreaded having to make.

This afternoon, Bentley Bogtrotter and I said our last goodbyes and sitting here in the studio, just now, seems so very, very quiet.

It is the end of an era…

9th July 2008 - 18th October 2024

As some of you will know he had two successful operations earlier this year, but the last few weeks there have been problems with a wheezy cough, which he just couldn’t seem to shift despite being on some meds.

He had had a few falls because of this, as he tried to catch his breath, but seemed fine.

Last night as I was preparing his meds and his brekker, on the landing, for this morning and Saturday. I heard a dull thud, followed by a second in quick succession from the studio, so dashed in to find him fitting and it was a protracted one, not shaking, but with his little body stiff and his head out to the side.

I called for Margaret who was already in bed and she agreed this was something different.

I comforted the poor little fellow, but looking into his eyes, I could see something wasn’t right.

It took him some time to walk after this, but eventually he stood up and had some fresh water from his ball.

He then got up and had a wee and poo on some mats, I had been using for a while, as he mostly stayed in the studio with me all the time.

I lay with him all night to comfort him and keep my eye on him. I know he really appreciated that as he kept looking to check if I was still there, if I stopped cuddling him.
By sunrise he was a little unsteady, but was better than he had been the evening before and during the night.

I rang Bentley’s vet, Chris Mason and asked for an emergency appointment, which we got. I explained over the phone what had happened, so they were aware of what had gone on. Chris has been treating him all year and I cannot thank him enough for his care and empathy all throughout.
He knew when we arrived I had already made a decision and the right one, hard as it was. If there is a way to do this with dignity and pain free for an animal this was that time, we could not have asked for more.

He slipped away in my arms, quietly as though he was just going to sleep, as I cuddled him.

Margaret and me have taken him to the beautiful little Pet Cemetery in Leyland about 20 minutes away from the Keep, where we said our last goodbyes in the little chapel of rest there. He will be back with me on Monday and I have reserved a place here in the studio where he made so many happy times for us both, which I think is only fitting.

I took a little lock of hair from his tail and it now sits with his photo here in the Keep studio.

It really is the end of an era. He arrived way back on Saturday July 9th 2008 and from the second he was placed on my knee, by my daughter, Joanne making me initially think it was her little Yorkie, Lucy Pie, we became friends for life. He was a present from Margaret, who was upset she had missed that year’s wedding anniversary, seven days earlier. He was the “Bestest” present anyone ever bought me and I have been lucky getting lots of nice ones, but he was THE very BEST one ever.

This tribute to my bestest little furry mate is hard to write, and I try to do so with wet eyes, I guess the studio needs another dusting again, perhaps.

I miss the little fellow already and we have not been back at the Keep for long to be honest. I am in pieces at the moment and I don’t mind admitting it has been a long, long time since I have cried as much. I am lucky, we shared so much time together that I have a wealth of wonderful memories with him.

I have always jokingly spoken about him, saying he is the studio manager, here at Wizards Keep, bit in truth he really was. He was always there through, happy, sad, worrying times. For six months he sat on my lap at the drawing board, as I stared every day at Page 35 of Worlds End Volume too., following the passing of my Mum in 2014.

His little pitter patter of his paws told me it was time to take a break and let him out, or perhaps we should have a snack. He rarely barked unless something was amiss outside or I hadn’t heard the postman or someone coming to visit or perhaps he allowed the other dogs chance to have some fun and let me know.

He was the bestest, most perfect little companion anyone could have and he fans all over the world. In fact, when I first set up the Twitter (now X) accounts I also set one up for Bentley and his posts got more hits then mine.

He also took over my blog for a few of his on a couple of occasions and I will get around to posting more of those posthumously someday, hopefully not to long in the future.

I have so much more I could share with you today, but has he has a lot of fans on here too, I thought I would update you all as early as possible.

He always loved going out in the car, in his custom car belt with me, but this time I sat in the back cuddling him and Margaret drove us both there, so he got a chance to sit in the back of a car today too.

Godspeed, Bentley Bogtrotter, and now you can cross the Rainbow Bridge to meet your many friends that have gone before you, I am sure they will show you around and have some more fun with you again – please say hi to them from me.

Below are four Photos of Bentley, his very first taken downstairs in the lounge and the very first one in the studio, just afterwards on his first day here with me and the last two photos that I took this morning of Bentley looking just like he did on his first time in the studio where he was standing near one of the PCs and the very last one in his basket, before making our last trip out with Margaret and me. 

All I would like to say now, is Good Night, for now, Bentley Bogtrotter, you always made me so happy and it was my pleasure to be lucky enough to be your Bestest friend too.

I will always miss you, mate.

All my Love Always and Forever.