Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Worlds End Graphic Novel Update...

Okay so what’s the state of play…?Hi Guys,

I said way back in November, last year, here on the Blog that I would let you guys have an update as soon as possible, with the pencils stage. Well time flies here at the Keep and so to have a much more upbeat Blog today after the rather sad one yesterday here we go…

So without further ado here is the stage I am currently at with the pages.

I have seven pages of artwork to layout onto Bristol, which I do very lightly, so much so they are very hard to view. I will then be going back to page 27 and darkening the pencils and adding in the final detailing.

I am presently working on these last seven pages and once they are complete and the darkening has taken place then it’s just a matter of scanning them all onto the computer at long last and then embarking upon the road on which I will then digitally paint them.

I do not want to put up any further full pages on display but I will show the occasional panel or two and maybe some finished colour pages too along the way, as well as more promotional illos.

Anyhow, for now, here is a panel from one of the pages.
Blueline Pencils
Pencils turned to Greyscale in Photoshop ready for digital paint

Just to add to this we are going to be extending the deadline to the “Worlds End” Colouring Book Drawing Competition by two weeks, as lots of folks are coming back to us late with requests to see if they are still okay to send stuff after the deadline…You can’t say we don’t help you guys out from time to time!

The new deadline for getting finished entries in is, as a result of this, now: Tuesday April 14th with the winners being announced on Saturday April 18th.

Until next time have fun!

Tim Perkins…
March 31st 2009


Chhavi said...

Hey I am a teacher by profession and I really liked your work.It must be fun to do all this I guess..
Do visit my blog..Would be glad to know more from you

Tim Perkins said...

Hi Chhavi,

Great to meet you.

Thanks for the kind words.

I'm glad you like my artwork.

It is a great deal of fun and also a very great privilege to be able to work like this.

I will pay your Blog a visit, thanks for the invite.

Thanks again for dropping by.

Best Wishes,

Chhavi said...

Thanks for coming to my blog.I would like to learn more from you and if there is anything that you can teach me anything,it would be great!